I haven’t purchased a book since a long time, but this book is an exception. D.E.S.I.G.N. by polish publishing company ‘Dwie Siostry‘ (engl.: two sisters) is a new children’s book about design. It’s an education book. The author is polish journalist Ewa Solarz. Illustrations are made by Hipototam Studio. The hardcover book consist of 168 pages of colourful illustrations, indexes and short descriptions. D.E.S.I.G.N. is purely fun and communicates mainly via the illustrations. I showed it to some of my Dutch and German designer friends and they enjoyed it even if they can’t read Polish. A must buy, I think.
Alvar Alto, Finland
Savoy (Vase) was designed in 1926 for or the luxury Savoy restaurant in Helsinki. Inspired by a puddle.
Nendo aka Oki Sato, Japan
Cabbage was designed in 2008. Oki Sato was asked by fashion designer Issey Miyake to make furniture out of pleated paper.
Maarten Baas, Netherlands
Smoke was designed in 2002 and was Maarten’s Graduation Project. I had to laugh out loud when I saw the drawing of him. He looks like a chubby, mental hulk who suffers from Pyromania, which is definitely not true. Haha
Karim Rashid , Egypt/Uk
The DJ Kreemy Booth was designed in 2004. Karim is not just a designer with a predilection for pink, he is also a DJ from time to time. Therefore he needed the right gadget. In pink, of course.
Tomek Rygalik, Poland
Hidden was designed in 2005. The system consists 3 modules with a hollow to make disappear your belongings. I wonder if the couch is stable. It looks like it will topple over.
Ingo Maurer, Germany
Zettel’z 5 designed in 1997 is a chandelier with scribbled paper notes. I call it ‘paper mobile’. It’s his most famous lamp. On this double page you find 3 other pieces: Porca Miseria! from 1994, Birdie’s nest from 2005 and Tu-be1 from 2007, a collaboration with Ron Arad.
This book soon will be published in Germany and propably in Belgium. This is actually a seuquel. The first book was H.O.U.S.E. and it’s about architecture. You can see it here . It was published in Germany, Belgium, Italy, Great Britan, Australia and New Zeland.
The first book was called D.O.M.E.K., which means ‘house’ in Polish. It was published in 2008. I am looking forward to the English version of D.E.S.I.G.N. even if I prefer the Polish original. lalala
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